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Wednesday 20 January 2016

a bright sunny day

but its frosty and very cold.....never mind its toasty warm in my craft room

I really haven't got back into the crafty swing...I have 3 projects started and then put to one side so I thought I would just have a play with my Tonic Kensington handbag die...bought on a whim thinking it would make a nice little gift bag for my nieces....its still smaller than I envisaged it but it will be okay for earrings and bits ....the flowers are tattered lace....
Hope you are enjoying your day and that the sun is shinning where you are ......


  1. A very pretty die and gift bag which looks stunning in black and white.

  2. Gorgeous gift bag Margaret. Hugs Christine xx

  3. Hi Margaret, this is gorgeous and the black and white combo is fabulous, looks much bigger than it is, Kate x

  4. Such a pretty gift bag would be great if they made similar using an A4 die; but as you say lovely for earrings etc. Bright and sunny but cold down here in Somerset as well. Hope you're feeling better now.


    Karen xxx

  5. Oh my goodness this is stunning. Can' get the sizing of it though from the picture. Fabulous in the black and white .
    hugs Mrs A.

  6. My goodness - this looks like a REAL pocketbook. You could always put a "fiver" in there too!
    sandy xx


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