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Wednesday 7 February 2018

a birthday card

my first non christmas card of the year.....and continuing to use my stash....

its my cousins birthday today so I thought i would make her a pretty card....
Sue Wilsons dies....pinwheel floral....French collection background...Ransom note birthday die...and floral brocade embossing folder   a few pearls and job done....and I just loved making it.
thanks for popping by my blog today I hope you are enjoying your crafting and having a lovely day.


  1. Oh Margaret, this is truly a beautiful card and your cousin will love it. Thank you so much for sharing your talents.

  2. Now this is quite fancy and elegant! Bravo!
    sandy xx

  3. This is gorgeous Margaret, fabulous die cut details and lovely colours - a beautiful card for your cousin.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  4. Oh my Margaret - this is so delicate and beautiful - the diecutting really is fabulous! Gorgeous! Hugs rachel x

  5. This is beautiful! Love the delicate blue with the white and all the intricate detail. xxx

  6. I love this!!!! It is so lacy and delicate looking. It reminds me of that pretty porcelain I have seen in museums.

  7. Hi Margaret, just catching up here, absolutely stunning card with the most beautiful of dies, super embossed background and colour theme, Kate x

  8. Catching up. Love this Wedgewood style card and beautifully deep embossed background.


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