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Monday 24 June 2024

with Love...

 playing with some old Tim Holtz dies 

and some Stamping up stamps embossing folder and an LOTV sentiment

well at last summer has arrived and my vest is off.....hope we get to enjoy it for a while now

Thanks for popping by today.


  1. Summer has definitely arrived with a vengance-no compromise either raining or roasting lol.Love the jar of die-cut wild flowers and fabulous embossed background.Thank you for your comments on my blog.
    Carol x

  2. A beautifully designed card Margaret and I love the textured background, makes the vase pop, Kate x

  3. Gorgeous layout for the Tim Holtz die cuts. Beautiful bouquet of flowers.

  4. This is a very nice card with just the 2 colours that work out so well.


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